Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I've always liked tattoos and I've seen many that are sexy. Some are unfortunate, and many should never have been done, but I've been thinking more and more about getting one myself. I seem to be drawn to sleeves; multiple tattoos that blend well into each other to create a work of art. I doubt I would ever get a sleeve myself (as I'm hesitant to get even one) but I do tend to like them. Especially half sleeves. I've always liked the idea of getting a phoenix, but have really yet to find any designs I love. I suppose I just need to go talk to an artist and work with them on an idea.
I have an instagram account where I've been following several tattoo artists that have great designs. Unfortunately, most of them live hundreds of miles away from me. I've come across an apprentice that has absolutely amazing artwork. If you have the chance, check out Kim-Ahn Nguyen's Art blog. Love it. She even has an etsy shop too. I'm thinking that I'll get a small one to start out to see if I even would want a larger one. It will a celebration of myself for finishing my mini-tri coming up next month. I'll post pics.

It takes time, I know

I've started back into working out. Jogging, biking, and light weight lifting. It's only been about a week of consistently doing something active, if only for 20 minutes (with the exception of today.) I'm back into it for the fun of it, for the training of it (mini-triathlon countdown), and for the health aspects of it. Not to mention my waist size. I've never really considered myself chubby until now. My belly has a roll to it, and my upper arms have a slight jiggle to them. Eating bad and lack of exercise (and maybe age?) has gotten to me. Granted, I still weigh less than the most I've weighed, but combine weight gain with a few more gray hairs, and perhaps you get the more self conscious me. I know it will take time to shed some pounds and get a little more toned, but I am impatient for it!

Here's to 45 more days of trying to be on good behavior and steering my eating habits towards better foods while getting in a little activity most days; (snack day at work didn't help). 45 days is just the starting goal. Here's to a lifetime of better choices.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Getting on with it

So the other day at a friend's baby shower, I realized as I was catching up with friends, that I do indeed have a race coming up that I feel totally unprepared for. The mini-triathlon at the end of July. When the weather first turned I was out almost everyday jogging. It was great. Good weather; felt great. Then I increasingly stayed inside doing nothing and eating everything I shouldn't. Some of the time too, I fell victim to my own thoughts and brooded in a messy depressed state. I then had surgery, and couldn't go out running even if I wanted to (and crazily enough I wanted to.. or at least told myself I did.. how convenient, right?)
So, here we are a month after my surgery. I finally got back to the gym the other day. I've been out jogging the past few days, and I even (gasp) started light weight lifting to start to tone my muscles. I do feel it's in a way a sort of last-minute panic motivation.. but hey.. at least it's not last second. There are 60 seconds in a minute and I'm going to try to make the best of the little time I feel I have to 'train' for the race. Granted, like I mentioned in a previous post, I'm doing it to finish, not to win. Rather, I'm not racing against other ladies. I'm in competition with myself. And I will win.