Monday, August 15, 2011

We have a winner!

Apparently this is the summer for me to win a few contests; namely raffle drawings. At the beginning of the summer I signed up for the summer reading club through the Upper Arlington Public Library. It was easy enough to sign up online, and submit book reviews for title's I've read this summer. They had weekly raffle drawings, and I won a $10 Giant Eagle gift card! Not too shabby. I'm not exactly foreign to the idea of pushing prizes for encouraging reading, as I do the same at my own job (a different library... shhh.. don't tell!). I did not know, however, what the prizes were or how often they would be handed out. When I saw I had a missed call from the UA library, my first instinct was to do a mental scan of the books I had out, wondering if I accidentally kept something way past due. But nope, it was to inform me of my prize.
Well, that was just my first. Another raffle I won is associated with the organization, Consider Biking. During the month of July I logged my bike rides, whether for exercise, errands, social outings, via, and was automatically entered into a drawing because I had at least 3 logged entries for using my bike as my mode of transportation to run my errands. I didn't even know they were having a July contest! So now I'll have the opportunity to get a 30 minute massage from Massagebee Sports & Wellness Therapy.
So here's to continuing reading and biking, and a life of good surprises.

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