Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I am Triathlete

So, I had my first triathlon.
I finished(!!!)
I always feel the need to qualify the fact that it was a mini triathlon (shorter distances, even than a sprint), as if completing the smaller one makes it less of an accomplishment. Either way, I should be proud of myself for trying, and finishing, right? I could be in the same place as last summer.. the idea of competing, but sitting at home, not signing up. I know I am proud of myself on one level because I love to tell people I participated in a (mini) triathlon, showing them the photo I took with my phone, showing off my medal (that they give everyone [insert winking emoticon here]).
The day of the race I didn't get as much sleep as I wanted to; waking up at 3am and trying to go back to sleep only to wake up at 5a can do that. It didn't take me too long to get myself together, but I did not anticipate the pre-departure, bike mounting excitement. Apparently it's still dark at 5:30 in the morning. Most of you would say, "well, duh!" But I gotta tell you, I haven't seen 5am in a while. Anyway, I'm going to leave, taking all my gear and my bike, and I get to my car and realize I have to put together my bike rack on my car, and then mount it. It would have been easier if it were a newer rack with those handy dandy ratchet type fasteners, but no. Ties, ties, and more ties. In the dark. I mean, there were some parking lot lights, but it was not as well lit as I would have liked it to be. I think a part of my nervousness was just driving on the highway with my bike on the back of my car. I've driven around town with it, but never above 35mph. BUT I do have to say that driving on the highway at 5:30a on a Saturday is the PERFECT time to test it out.. as there was practically no traffic... so no worries that if the bike DID fall off, it would cause a crazy crash and damage other people's car.
But we made it, bike and all. We met up with my friend who did the race as well (her gazillionth tri). I finished in 1 hour 2 minutes and 58 seconds. Not too bad. I'll just have to beat that time next race.

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